Historic Dockyard Museum

1 mile from Jetty Visitors Centre
5 mins to get there

Rich in history and an abundance of stories, the Historic Dockyard Museum tells the story of the Falkland Islands. From the first sighting to current day, the history of the Islands is told through displays and exhibits that are housed in several buildings on the seafront.

Knowledgeable staff await to meet you and are happy to talk and answer questions.

The Historic Dockyard Museum is on the route of our Hop On Hop Off service.

Pre-purchase your ticket and you can head straight to the Historuc Dockyard Museum, or head there later after visiting the other sites of Stanley.

Falkland Islands History

Please note: The time if year, the time of day, and the weather all play a part in what you might see on the day.

Some useful information:

Tells the story of the Falkland Islands and its people

Unique wildlife displays

Early life of the settlers

Timeline of the 1982 Falkland Islands War

Exhibits of Falkland Islands industries

Toilet facilities

Café and seating

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Cruise visitors

Pre-purchasing your tickets is the best way to ensure your place and save you time upon your arrival in Stanley.

Vacationing in the Falkland Islands?

We can provide tours outside of cruise-ship days for those on vacation in the Falkland Islands. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you to arrange a more bespoke tour.